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Portrait of John Crome (1768-1821)

Accession Number NWHCM : 1899.4.15


Painting, 'Portrait of John Crome (1768-1821)' by John Opie (1761-1807), oil on canvas, undated; 558 mm x 432 mm;

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The renowned history and portrait painter John Opie first visited Norwich in 1797 and married a local woman, the writer Amelia Alderson, the following year. He was a regular visitor to the city and became friends with fellow artist John Crome (1768-1821), painting his portrait when Crome was aged about 36. Amelia Opie recorded that on occasion Crome and her husband worked together in his studio.

Artist Opie, John
Creation Date 1798
Measurements 558 mm
Department Art-Fine Art